


著名的历史学家, 作者, 和 even a SpaceX公司 engineer were among the many guests who came to Poly to enrich our classroom learning experience 和 inspire students. 下面是12位游客的内部窥视.

Dr. 尼古拉斯Buccola

去年11月, Dr. 尼古拉斯Buccola,《 《可靠的网堵平台》:詹姆斯·鲍德温,威廉·F. 巴克利,小.以及美国十大网堵平台种族的辩论, 是我们的 上下文的对话 约瑟夫·达纳·艾伦图书馆的演讲嘉宾. 这本书深入探讨了2月18日的历史性辩论, 1965年,作家詹姆斯·鲍德温, 谁是民权运动的文学先驱, 威廉·F. 巴克利小., 然后是这个国家最有影响力的保守知识分子, 他认为鲍德温是一个“雄辩的威胁”.”

Dr. 布科拉从 火在我们身上 有一个Q&与高中历史系的学生进行的一次会议, who had been asked to read the book 和 prepare questions for discussion. “哇……在那之后,他们变得更容易了,对吧??博士问道。. Buccola’s impressed response when Nick Perez ’20 asked a “powerful 和 important,问他对美国梦的平等的看法.

Our Poly Context speaker series has brought an array of noted personalities to our campus, including 李敏镇, 史诗历史小说的作者 弹球盘; 纽约时报 政治记者 亚历克斯·伯恩斯 也是政治学副教授 Yanna Krupnikov; Manisha Sinha,《 奴隶的事业; 和 罗伯特·科特64年的制作人 露丝·巴德·金斯伯格 传记片 论性别的基础和纽约州副检察长 芭芭拉·安德伍德04级.


儿童作家和插画家 Raúl第三 拉开了序幕 低年级作家系列 庆祝拉丁文化月. 自2010年以来, 较低的学校 students have experienced the joy 和 excitement of meeting the 作者 of their favorite books right on the Park Slope campus… 和 many of those favorites are bestselling 作者 和 winners of prestigious children’s literature book awards. 劳尔三世告诉四、五年级的学生 & 6 about his early life in El Paso, TX, his introduction to drawing, 和 how he created his books 我们! 我们去市场吧太空中的低乘客.

在以前的作者访问中,作者和插画家 赛利娜Yoon 分享她的书 企鹅和松果琪琪和杰克斯 和我们的学生. 亚历山德拉Penfold,《 欢迎所有人, 读到学前教育, 幼儿园, 和 Grade 1 from her picture book about diversity 和 support for all children. 作家/插画家 瓦实提哈里森他是《 纽约时报 畅销书 小梦想家她的书中讲述了有远见的女性的故事. 畅销书作家 戴夫·艾格斯 delighted the 幼儿园 和 Grade 2 students by sharing his new children’s book 押尼珥 & 伊恩,站直 (Laura Park插图).


In December, students 在高中集会上 were treated to a visit by 作家 里克•穆迪他1994年的畅销书 冰风暴, was made into a movie directed by Ang Lee 和 starring Kevin Kline 和 Sigourney Weaver.  感谢英语老师Christy Hutchcraft, 谁安排的这次访问, Poly students got a sneak peek at Moody’s unpublished ghost story about the card game Hearts, then soaked up his interview with English teacher Sean Mullin about his second memoir, 长期的成就. Mullin gamified things by having Moody play a figurative game of “speed chess,他回答道, 快速的, 他回忆录里的文字和思想, 还有他的其他非虚构作品. 毫无疑问,穆迪能够与现场观众产生共鸣. 他出版的作品集中于成熟的主题,但他告诉 《纽约时报》 that he tried to write his first novel in sixth grade—at the same age as some of our students. 几十年后, 穆迪是一位成功的小说家和短篇小说作家, 为保利预科的新一代带来灵感和兴奋.


保利文学院的教育如此特别的另一个原因是: 伊丽莎白梅里曼禁止他在20世纪90年代担任全国公认的艺术编辑 科学 (1961-2001),纽约科学院的杂志, 与高级绘画和AP艺术课的学生会面 谈论艺术、科学和历史之间的联系.

在她来访之前, 学生们阅读科学文章, 然后, 在组, chose artwork that connected to the themes they had read about 和 explained how they made their choices. 马蒂斯, 迭戈里维拉, 爱德华•蒙克, 和 Moriko Mori were some of the artists who inspired them to see art through a different lens, 不仅仅是作为艺术家情感的表达, 但在历史和科学背景下. 这次访问是1962年罗伯特·阿伯林安排的, P’00, ‘03, 保利艺术拓展总监, 作为我们 艺术的伙伴关系 程序.


As part of the celebration of Black History Month in February, Poly alumnus 卡里姆·卢卡斯04年 完成他自己的工作, 《黑色:美国安魂曲, 在高中集会上.  在演员发人深省的演讲之后, 作家, 也是他原创作品的导演, 有一个简短的Q&由04届的Runako Gulstone和02届的Raquel Thompson主持的学生座谈会. 在Instagram上关注卡里姆 @kareemmlucas


和尚 喇嘛丹增益颜, 每年到低年级学校参观的人, 3月份回到保利, 这次是去戴克高地校区. He set up a table in the middle of the Joseph Dana Allen 图书馆 和 set about creating a s和 m和ala. 喇嘛丹增对来图书馆上课的学生讲慈悲. He explained to students who gathered around while he worked that the white foundation of his m和ala signifies motivation that is pure. Throughout the day Middle 和 上学校 students came to the library to hear 喇嘛丹增 speak about what gives meaning to life, 我们应该如何对待彼此, 以及他的人生经历.

Gerardo Reyes-Chavez
Gerardo Reyes-Chavez

Gerardo Reyes-Chavez, 一名 伊莫卡利工人联盟3月6日,她在保利八年级历史课上做了主讲嘉宾. 这不是伊莫卡利工人联盟第一次, 这促进了农业工人的权利, 参观过保利.  Reyes-Chavez told the students about the history of working conditions of tomato pickers in Florida, which spurred the founding of the worker-based human rights organization. He said that the 伊莫卡利工人联盟 has “pressured growers that produce 90 percent of Florida’s tomatoes to increase wages for their 30,000 workers 和 follow strict st和ards that m和ate rest breaks 和 forbid sexual harassment 和 verbal abuse.”

Eric Ulloa
Eric Ulloa

一月,剧作家 Eric Ulloa 来到保利参加他的戏剧的校友和家长演出 26鹅卵石, 这是基于对纽敦镇成员的采访, 受到2012年桑迪胡克学校枪击事件影响的CT社区. 5月1日, 当我们已经过渡到虚拟多边形, Ulloa returned to present a virtual masterclass in playwriting 和 shared a preview of his new work.

Dr. 埃里克·芳娜
Dr. 埃里克·芳娜

在虚拟保利,普利策奖得主历史学家 Dr. 埃里克·芳娜 和 our Grade 11 History students engaged in a dynamic conversation exploring how the present impacts our views of the past. Dr. 福纳是德威特·克林顿历史学名誉教授, 专门研究内战和重建, 奴隶制, 和19世纪的美国. 他的书中, 《火热的审判:亚伯拉罕·林肯和美国奴隶制 获得了2011年普利策奖、班克罗夫特奖和林肯奖.

21岁的学生梅勒妮·麦克劳德后来说,  “I really enjoyed hearing from Foner himself; it was interesting to compare his written work to his in-person responses. I really enjoyed what he said about how our current history will require more time before it is written about in the future.”


我们的低年级作者访问系列在Virtual Poly继续. Mac巴内特 从他的新书中, 罗马皇帝保罗, 5月19日. 一年级和二年级的学生欣赏了保罗的事迹, 谁是腊肠狗, 和 较低的学校 librarian Kristen Robb said many of the students in turn introduced their pets to Barnett after he read his book. “The kids told Mac how much they loved his books (he has 44),” Robb said. “一个孩子告诉麦克,他在写自己的故事, 小间谍, 正在用麦克的书 孩子的间谍 作为灵感.” Robb said she 和 all the kids “wore hats during the Virtual Author Visit because Mac has a show on Instagram Live, Mac读书俱乐部的展览, 他还鼓励“俱乐部成员”戴帽子.”

Dr. 亚历山德拉•哈林顿

保利迎来了第三届年会 内森 & Estelle Feldman可持续发展奖 & 讲座 5月20日在Virtual Poly. 客座教授 Dr. 亚历山德拉•哈林顿, discussed sustainability in the age of COVID-19, as part of the celebration of Earth Month & 除了. Dr. Harrington was a Fulbright Canada Special Foundation Fellow at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Waterloo, Canada 和 is currently visiting associate professor at Albany Law School 和 the Research Director 和 Lead Counsel for Peace, Justice 和 Accountability with the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL).

Dr. Harrington spoke about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the U.N. 以及法律将如何影响气候变化. She added that the COVID-19 p和emic “could be empowering for communities impacted by COVID” 和 that we may be developing new models for post-COVID life. She advised her audience to “reflect on what you have learned” during the p和emic 和 “take those lessons with you.”


Nursery students who wondered whether there is nighttime in space asked this 和 other questions when 奈尔Nayak,高级结构工程师 SpaceX公司,在他们的 托儿所A和托儿所B的虚拟联合晨会 5月29日. 第二天,私营航空航天公司SpaceX公司和 美国国家航空航天局 made history with the launch of the 机组人员 Dragon capsule using a Falcon 9 rocket. It is the first time American astronauts have launched from domestic soil since 2011 和 once the mission is completed, 该飞行器将被认证为定期将人运送到太空.

纳亚克已经在SpaceX公司工作了10年,他是Shayaan M. 1934年,雪莉·戴斯幼儿园B班的学生. 纳亚克在载人龙飞船上工作 降落伞系统组成员 这将使宇航员安全返回地球. His informative 和 engaging presentation sparked the imaginations of students, 老师, 和家庭.
