

COVID-19健康 & 安全 at Poly: Behind the Scenes of 户外学习

If it takes a village to raise a child, this fall it 太k a 保利预科 Health 和 安全 team to coordinate the logistics of tents, 日程安排, 食品服务, 测试, 到达和离开, 环境卫生, 运输, 以及通信,这样保利就可以在戴克高地校区和低年级开设户外面对面的学习.


The massive reopening undertaking was led by a team, 谁 managed the many details. My role was to bring our school’s reopening plan to life in partnership with our operations, 健康, 安全, 技术, 通信, 午餐小组,” 嘉莉奎格利 谁, 担任暑期项目主任, is usually concerned with the logistics of hundreds of summer campers. “最特别, 通过程序和适当的标志, I helped ensure that our daily traffic flow aligned with our safety protocols.”

在过去的几个月, Quigley continued “to support our dismissal, 健康, 还有午餐项目.“她说, 最大的挑战是平衡这么多的活动部分,准备重新开业-但这也是最大的乐趣. It has been a pleasure to work with such a strategic 和 dedicated team of individuals; 和 it is truly rewarding to see school in session outdoors.”As we prepared to reopen school on September 8, our Head of School 奥德里乌斯·巴兹杜卡斯P ' 20; Assistant Head of School, 学者 迈克尔·赫什科维茨,16届,18届; 低年级校长 弗朗西斯Yasharian; 中学校长 安德烈·德尔·瓦莱,29岁,33岁; 和 高中校长 莎拉·贝茨 were supported in their planning by teams of staff members, 谁 were asked to pivot from their normal roles. This spirit of working together for a common cause made Poly successful 和 safe.

The Many Facets of Poly COVID-19 操作
户外学习 COVID-19 stop the spread sign

Overarching the efforts to open Outdoor Poly was 马特Stelluto,营运总监. His wide-ranging role overlapped 和 interconnected with many others. He secured the tent company 和 worked with them on the types, layouts, 和 pricing. “I secured 和 worked with the utilities markout 和 irrigation companies for all electrical, 气体, 以及水线追踪和追踪,并确保电力公司为戴克高地和低年级学校的电力扩建提供支持, 户外电力, & 无线网络基础设施.“Stelluto购买了室外水瓶加气站和洗手站,并委托管道公司安装这些设施. He also purchased the outdoor chairs, desks, 和 whiteboards. 他说, 客房部和维修部的工作人员分发并挂好了所有的椅子,组装了桌子和白板.“Stelluto还购买了所有戴克高地和低年级的个人防护用品,包括帐篷的自动洗手液分配器, 教室, 和办公室.

“We serviced 和 exp和ed both golf carts for the back fields 上学校 food distribution,斯泰罗托说. “We purchased seven pull carts for the 中学 food distribution. 卢罗西尼丽莎Korchma have done an amazing job with the menu selection 和 distribution.”


Gaudencio Andrade P ' 12, ' 16 ran electric 和 water to the outdoor sinks 和 the portable restrooms, as well as installing h和 sanitizer dispensers in each tent. “I also assisted the electricians 和 other contractors when needed,他说. 他说:“我要确保所有的电力都能正常工作,确保所有的帐篷和设施都可以正常使用.” Andrade also supervised the plumbing company for the day-to-day layouts 和 installations.

公交线路 & 安全

It was  Director of 安全 和 Security 文森特Rutuelo’s role to establish bus routes while adhering to COVID safety guidelines. “我也是研究和推荐我们目前在两个校区使用的热温度扫描装置的团队的一员,作为我们日常筛选过程的一部分,他说. Rutuelo要确保热扫描仪正常运行,确保两个校区的所有公交车每天都被调度,并确保乘客指南得到遵守. One of the biggest challenges he faces, 还有马特·斯特卢托, is “being tasked with deciding if school is closed based on weather conditions.”

Refitting the Campus with New 技术

“My role 太k a few different forms,” Head of 技术 查尔斯·波利扎诺P ' 18. “我与各部门负责人和注册办公室合作,帮助我们为新时间表正确配置Veracross. I worked with the 健康 team to evaluate 和 set up thermal scanners for temperature taking, 以及Ruvna的每日检查. 从技术角度来看, I had to design an outdoor wireless setup 和 worked with my team to run over 6,000 feet of cable 和 install 19 outdoor wireless access points. The biggest challenge has been providing technical support. 当涉及到支持单个设备时,远程提供了它自己的一系列挑战, 但亲自去是一个挑战, 太, when attempting to provide such support in a safe manner. There are also a lot of troubleshooting factors that are out of our control, such as individuals’ personal devices 和 home wireless setups.”

COVID-19健康 & 安全小组和测试策略
户外学习 Temperature Screening sign

“It was so energizing to join our reopening committee, meeting weekly or daily to consider the challenges before us,” recalled Director of 招生 和 金融援助 丽贝卡·索利托29届32届. “We knew that we would be able to build an outdoor school, but didn’t know if students 和 families would be able to pitch in to get students to campus.”

“除了在招生时与我们的申请人家庭分享户外保利的创意和创新, 我一直在与我们的健康和安全团队密切合作,制定和实施安全措施,如正在进行的COVID-19检测. 我们从劳动节门户测试计划开始,现在已经增加到包括大约900名社区成员的每周测试. The goal is identifying the seeds of outbreak before they can grow.”

体育指导员 克里斯汀大炮, the P和emic Testing Strategic Director, 说, “我与我们的领导团队和体育部的工作人员合作,对田径和体育课进行了必要的改革. 在健康安全团队和健康咨询委员会的帮助下,我还负责领导校园COVID-19检测策略和实施.”

坎农也是“我们的健康和安全顾问和团队在校园实施网关和持续测试的关键人物”.“她也有责任向保利社区传达我们的测试策略. “我们还与不同的实验室联系,以获得准确的测试程序,并根据纽约市卫生部和疾病预防控制中心的最佳实践指南保持最新状态,”她说。.

While still coordinating virtual events, Events Manager 艾米·施兰斯基88届,22届 has also pivoted 和 taken on the role of COVID-19 安全 Coordinator joining the Health & 安全团队. “To comply with state 和 city guidelines,Schlansky说, “Poly must report to the local 和 state authorities. 我和纽约沟通 & NYS Departments of Health to report COVID-19 cases within our community, as well as to the NYS School Report Card, a public daily dashboard that records school data regarding COVID-19 positive cases, 我的职责还包括监测在Ruvna提交的响应, 我们每天的健康检查, 与我们的家庭沟通,如果他们的孩子出现症状,如何安全地重返学校.” She is also involved in the 测试 和 contact tracing efforts.

“每天监测近1500人的症状是一项挑战,”Schlansky说. “我每天起得早,结束得晚, 但这都是保利对安全的持续承诺的一部分,这项工作对保护我们的社区有很大的帮助.”

较低的学校 适应

In the 教室 on the Park Slope campus, 年幼的孩子们戴着花朵或超级英雄主题的面具玩耍,在托儿所有足够的空间享受故事. 舞蹈工作室, 图书馆, 和 even the Big Room have been repurposed into classroom space to ensure social distance. 莎拉银 RN, 我们新来的低年级护士, 说, “在保利低年级,我们坚持‘保持保利健康’的承诺,参与远端社交学习和游戏, 每日健康检查, 每周泳池测试, 和 education on the importance of the three W’s: Wash your h和s; Wear a mask; 和 6 feet aWay!”

Getting Lunch to Students 和 教师 Each Day

“我的角色,”大厨说 卢罗西尼, 在丽莎Korchma和马特Stelluto的帮助下,我的任务是找出如何以最有效的方式将我厨房里的食物安全地送到每个学生手中,并在日常工作中减少错误. When you have the right team behind you, there are no challenges that cannot be h和led. My kitchen team is operating at a superior efficient pace, 和 without them I would not be successful.”

“As the opening of Outdoor Poly drew near,” 丽莎Korchma, 操作, “我最初被要求帮助家庭在网上订餐平台上建立账户. 很明显,我们需要制定一个战略,不仅要组织和履行这些订单,而且, 更重要的是, 制定一项计划,为戴克高地校区60多个帐篷点的学生提供午餐,越快越好. 几周之内, we had the fulfillment 和 delivery pieces sorted out 和 working seamlessly; however, 我们采取的下一个重要步骤是通过创建一个全新的订购系统来简化家庭订购流程.”


“在一天中的任何时候,科尔奇玛说, “我要么与我们的戴克高地和公园坡厨师一起报到,要么积极合作,积极规划, Chef Lou 和 Chef Nilda; our catering company, Cater to You; or Director of 操作, 马特Stelluto.” As someone 谁 enjoys structure 和 routine, Korchma说, “在过去的几个月里,我面临的最大挑战是学会接受并适应瞬息万变的变化.”

保利预科 families can get up-to-date information on COVID-19, including a weekly dashboard of 测试 stats, 健康的协议, 更多信息请访问我们的 家长门户.

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